Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Creating Book Trailers on a Budget

Over the last few years I’ve been asked several times how to create a book trailer on a limited budget. Of course if you can afford it, a plethora of service providers who will do an excellent job is just a Google search away.

If you have the time, learning how to create an acceptable book trailer (non-Hollywood) at little or no cost is most likely at your fingertips if your computer runs on a Windows operating system. To utilize the “Windows Live Movie Maker” program, go to the “Start” icon in the bottom toolbar tray and click "All Programs." It should be listed. If not, go to the Microsoft website and search for the program; it was a free download the last time I checked.

In brief, to get the most out of the WMM program, you will need to collect freebie pictures, short video clips, verbal clips (sayings) and music clips and arrange them—adding special effects from the menu within the program—along  a time-line that you manage. To find these freebies, just Google them.

You can easily create your own audio/video clips using a typical webcam; or use a recording device to make just audio clips. (If you have “Windows Sound Recorder” within your operating system, you can use that.)
Book trailers can be posted to YouTube.com, your website, your blog, and a multitude of other Internet websites you should join for purposes of book promotion, e.g. appropriate Google Groups, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Amazon Author Central, Goodreads Groups, Library Thing Groups and many other reader and reviewer websites when it is allowed.

To check out the WMM book trailers I’ve constructed for three of my upcoming thrillers, go to “The Books” pages on my website: http://www.marshallchamberlain.com/thebooks.html. Like I intimated, it’s not Hollywood, but I think they do a pretty good job demonstrating a positive level of professionalism and credibility for your book. Just a note: I will be commissioning professionally created trailers for my thrillers as the second editions reach the marketplace over the 2013-2015 timeframe.

The following website offers good tips and tutorials and answers most of the questions you may have as you go up the learning curve with WMM: http://www.mightycoach.com/articles/mm2/index.html.

For those interested in fiction thrillers, the status of coming adventure-thrillers and other books under construction can be found on my website: www.marshallchamberlain.com.


My Fiction Editing Process

Giving credit where credit is due, I learned a great deal by studying Sol Stein’s editing triage formula from his great book, Stein on Writing.

After the first draft, I put the book down for two weeks. Then, I quickly read it through, taking notes on the big picture: story development and book architecture; character personalization ideas; ideas on adding, subtracting, or modifying chapters/scenes; improvement in the placement, degree, and growth of tension, suspense and terror.

FIRST EDIT: I examine the scenes in the book and decide which I like the best; I give them a rating. Then, I figure out why the lowest ones are low and either cut them or rewrite them.
Then as I edit, I pay attention to the following:

CHARACTERS: I examine and improve personalizing of all characters: The antagonist must be truly demented, evil, and at the same time charming. The protagonist(s) must be flawed, conflicted and growing—changing. The minor characters should be memorable—personalized.

CONFLICT: I ensure the elements of plot are credible in pitting the antagonist and protagonist overcoming impossible obstacles.

CREDIBILITY: I validate the credibility of the major actions by characters. Motivation and capabilities have to be either planted ahead of time or provoked by circumstance.

After putting the book down again for two weeks, I begin the SECOND EDIT. Here I use a Sol Stein suggestion: I pretend that an author I regard wrote the book; it helps to keep me unbiased.

At the beginning of every chapter or scene, I mentally review the elements I will be looking for to help me accomplish my constant objective of evoking emotion from the reader while I polish and enrich the prose and dialog:

--Be careful to show not tell.
--The beginning of every scene should pull the reader in. He or she must be compelled to go on.
--The end of every scene should leave the reader hanging in some way, wanting more.
--The main characters should grow/change during the book.
--Beware of unwanted changes in point of view within individual chapters or scenes.
--Eliminate unnecessary adverbs and adjectives.
--Convert passive verbs to active.
-- Shorten descriptions; be clear and concise.
--Cut out clichés.
--Beware of repeating words; use effective synonyms.
--Use similes and metaphors.
--Eliminate as many off-stage actions as possible.
--Cut words, phrases, paragraphs, even scenes that are not absolutely necessary.
--Maintain stress, tension and pace.
--Remove any gush, sentimentality or overblown prose.

Now I’m ready to submit the manuscript to my chosen developmental editor; then it comes back to me for consideration of changes. Then it goes to my chosen copy editor for diction/enrichment, grammar and punctuation; then back to me for consideration of changes. Then, I send it to two outside reader/proofers; then back to me for repairs and the final read through. These editing functions should be paid services; the cost can be held to as little as $1500 if you invest the time to choose wisely. Without these professional outside services, your chances of garnering the interest of an agent or publisher in your book are remote.

For those interested in fiction thrillers, the status of coming adventure-thrillers and other books under construction can be found on my website: www.marshallchamberlain.com.

Smile. Regards,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Do You Have a Book Inside?

It has been said that we all have a book inside of us. If you are one of those people who are motivated to explore this possibility, I recommend you first make the assumption that you don’t magically possess the skills and knowledge to become commercially successful. If you do that, you will be correct even though you may have proven writing experience. Passing this milestone, you need to realize this endeavor will be fraught with challenging but wonderfully rewarding experiences. Heck, if it weren't, why bother.
The undertaking will be a serious exploration into self, no matter what genre or story-line. If you have the will, drive, and resources, the process will yield the discovery of latent talents and capabilities you weren't aware you possessed. Ninety percent of the satisfaction in accomplishing any goal in life is in the process. Make sure you take the time to develop a plan, have the financial resources to execute the elements of the plan, and are committed to implementation. I've done it and so can you.

The Book Plan

Please be advised that my website, www.MarshallChamberlain.com, has a page of valuable resource links to get you started putting the writing, editing, publishing and promotion elements of a plan together. The resources are not a panacea; I've kept it brief on purpose. And, there’s always Google.
Efficiency is the goal when developing a book-writing plan. In order to arrive at your destination of a completed, quality manuscript that is published and effectively promoted, you need to acquire skills and knowledge in several areas as quickly and effectively as possible.


My advice is twofold: First, turbo-charge the accumulation of necessary writing skills and knowledge by hiring a competent and successful ghost writer the first time around. Through the work you do together, this mentor will teach you many of the practical writing skills you’ll need to become an accomplished author in your genre. It is a worthwhile up-front investment. Secondly, devour and memorize a great book on writing, thereby learning the principles of effective writing as you go along creating your book. In addition, invest in attending writing workshops.


Choose and hire a two-stage editor to tackle “developmental/content” and “copyediting” functions. This semi-partner should be experienced in your genre and successful in assisting other writers toward a successful publishing outcome. The working relationship will cast the lens of fresh talent onto your manuscript, sharpening your writing skills and increasing your knowledge base to new levels as you react to editorial recommendations.


Don’t think it will be easy to acquire an agent or a publishing relationship on your own. It isn’t. But you should give the process your best shot. Like choosing a ghost writer, you’ll want to hire competent assistance in designing an effective query letter introducing your work to agents/publishers interested in your genre.
Alongside this effort, you would be well advised in the beginning to assume you will be independent publishing and start implementing the pieces of that plan. In this way you will continue to be self-motivated, regardless of the probable rejection slips you’ll receive from agent/publisher queries. Or maybe you’ll get lucky.
Looking at independent publishing, suffice it to say here that the major elements are learning how to format a manuscript, creating or employing a services provider to create a book cover, and selection of a digital printer/distributor. Thankfully, in this day and age these are all manageable tasks.

Promotion & Publicity

Hire a capable publicist six months before your manuscript is complete. Sit down with them and get comfortable with an eighteen month campaign to celebritize you and your works. The process is enlightening. Without this vital activity in your plan, you can forget about commercial success—if that is your goal.

Vocation or Avocation

I can almost guarantee you one thing: If you accomplish your goal of bringing the book inside to the outside, the process will unleash your mind to other writing projects. After all, you will have developed the skills and knowledge sets to do anything you want. You may suddenly find yourself in a new career. I did.

For those interested in fiction thrillers, the status of coming adventure-thrillers and other books under construction can be found on my website: www.marshallchamberlain.com.
